23 December 2024| Innovative Product OptiFeed

Assalammualaikum and Salamsejahtera

An innovative product called OptiFeed, which is an optimal formulation of aquatic species food, formulated with mathematical models & the addition of plant residues was presented at the 2024 Innovation Media Conference, in Putrajaya on 18 December 2024. 4 products were produced, namely specific formulations for lobster, zebrafish, tilapia and gourami. The product production project was led by Ts. Dr Aidilla binti Mubarak who played a role in the agro section focusing on plant residues & nutrients in the ingredients for making the formulation. PM Ts Dr Nur Aidya Hanum Aizam from the Faculty of Computer Science & Mathematics played a role in mathematical modeling for product formulation. PM Dr Liew Hon Jung from AKUATROP was also involved in the aspects of fish farming and health and Prof Ikhwanuddin Abdullah from AKUATROP in the shrimp farming and health section. The 2024 Innovation Media Conference was covered by journalists, and the OptiFeed product was featured in local newspapers. Congratulations to our academicians and researchers. Hopefully more discoveries and products will be produced for the benefit of society, and have the opportunity to be commercialized.

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