20 June 2024 | Nourishing Tomorrow: Investigating Challenges and Opportunities in the Food Industry

Assalammualaikum |

The 2024 Program Seminar went smoothly as planned.
Congratulations and well done to all the students in the 3rd year of the Bachelor of Food Science Program (Food and Nutrition Services) who took the STM4241/STM4202 course and have committed, cooperated and worked hard in organizing this Program. Thank you to each individual involved. Even though preparations were made in time which is short, but you have proven what you can do. Congratulations again.

The program becomes more lively when three Food Science Program Alumni succeed, our proud alumni.
Thank you Fitri Zahari, Musyamel and Anis Nadhirah for sharing a very interesting experience. A combination of 3 generations. Seeing them on stage, keeps recalling the memories of teaching them once upon a time.

We are very grateful and proud of the success of the alumni until they are at the current level. Don’t be afraid to come back to UMT. You don’t have enough time to tell old stories, right?
InshaAllah there will be sustenance, we will meet again when we have time.. And hopefully there will be more Food Science Alumni, UMT who are willing to contribute to UMT. Wait for our invitation.

Don’t forget to thank the Alumni Center of UMT and Management of the Faculty of Fisheries and Food Science – FPSM UMT who always give support and cooperation. Thank you TDA PM. Dr. Rumeaida Mat Piah representing the Dean willing to inaugurate the 2024 Program Seminar as well as PM Program Head Ts.Dr. Dear Zamzahaila Mohd Zin, thank you for always supporting and being loyal until the end of the program.

And certainly for my friend and comrade in arms, Dr. Nabilah Abd. Hadi. Alhamdulillah.. Seeing the happy faces of everyone involved is enough to make our hearts happy, right?
Thank you also to the Security Unit and PPH for facilitating signage and facilities.
Alhamdulillah.. thank you.❤️



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