Discussion between UMT (Malaysia) – Kagoshima University (Japan)

1 December 2017  (Friday)   Relationship between UMT and Kagoshima University has existed since 30 years ago. A visit to Kagoshima University is to re-establish a long-standing relationship. Among the topics discussed during the visit were the summer school and Liaison office establishment.  This establishment promote exchange activity and strengthen our relationship between University Malaysia […]

MOU Signing Between UMT (Malaysia) – Nagasaki University (Japan)

29th – 30th    November 2017 (Wednesday/Thursday)   Faculty of fisheries (Nagasaki University) is located in the heart of Nagasaki City. This city is very popular with its unique history and culture, which become the first important port in Japan opened for foreign trading. Nagasaki area is also spectacular place that covered with natural beauty […]