4 June 2024| Program FPSM: Walk, Plog and Plant


On 4 June 2024, a total of 16 SM Aquaculture Science students, 16 SM Food Science (Food Service and Nutrition) students and 15 SM Food Science (Food Technology) students held the FPSM Program: Walk, Plog and Plant at Telaga Papan Beach, Setiu Terengganu . This program is part of Santuni’s CCM3011 Community course activities. The co-organizers of this program are Balai Islam Sultan Mahmud, UMT, WWF and Ija Plastik Gang (GPI). WWF and GPI are NGOs and communities that were selected based on the need to continue supporting the beach cleaning program and selected tree planting to ensure the sustainability of turtle landings in the State of Terengganu. The state of Terengganu is one of the main turtle landing places and this uniqueness needs to be preserved. Because of that, this program was chosen to be held in conjunction with World Sea Turtle Day (WSTD) which will be celebrated on 16 June 2024.

At the end of the program, a total of 150 kg of garbage of various sizes was successfully collected. At the same time, 20 beach trees were planted in front of 2 resorts around the beach. All these saplings will be cared for by the resort owners as adoptive trees as part of the Adopt A Beach program in addition to encouraging turtle landings. While another 67 beach tree seedlings (sea lions and sea urchins) were sown by FPSM students near the Turtle Hatchery Center, Setiu for future use. The students were also given information about turtles and their conservation by WWF representatives and students were able to see for themselves WWF crew digging turtle nests and seeing the condition of turtle eggs. This interesting activity that was carried out throughout the morning in Setiu made all participants aware of the importance of looking after and conserving the environment and animals such as turtles so that they do not become extinct.

Many thanks to Pusat Islam Sultan Mahmud, UMT for sponsoring the implementation of this program. Many thanks also to WWF Malaysia and GPI for being willing to implement the Santuni Community CCM3011 program; FPSM-Walk, Plog and Plant with FPSM students. Support and assistance from the Setiu District Council is also greatly appreciated. Our beach is ours.


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