Bachelor of Food Science (Food Technology) was first offered in the universiti Malaysia Terengganu starting July session 2007/2008. Now it has become one of the most popular programs for students to pursue their first degree. The program aims to produce graduates who are knowledgeable and highly trained and skilled in food processing and production technologies to produce safe and wholesome food. Graduates from this program can work in various public and private agencies in areas related to food science and technology, including research and development of food products, legislation and education. In addition, graduates are also given entrepreneurship knowledge that enables them to be innovative, and independent entrepreneurs in the food industry
Faculty of Fisheries and Food Science
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
21030 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu
Tel : +609 668 4930 / 4931
Fax : +609 668 4949
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